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Tuesday 5 November 2013

#MBz20 Who Wants Me Dead? Part VII

“Good morning baby, hope you had a beautiful night. I will be in my room throughout today; will you like to spend the day with me? Reply please. Love you.” And I scrolled and read the text message from Nancy again — am I dreaming? Hold on, did she call me ‘baby’? Hope this is not the final invitation to the lion’s den? Millions of unimaginable thoughts flew through my mind as I perused the message the thirtieth time and more.

I replied affirmative. And like someone pressed the fast-forward button on me, I freshened up and was on the way to Nancy’s room.

It was a public holiday, so Jessica was also meant to be in her room, however, she was not there alone. As I walked near her hostel, I saw Jessica clinging on a random guy, just the way she I loved her doing on me. I paused and made sure that she saw me, and that was when the guy came up to me.
“Hi, my name is Gizzy,” he said, “and that was my girlfriend you were staring at. One-word advice for you: vanish.”

I chuckled and walked away. And I was actually glad because Jessica just made it super easier for me to stay away from her, as I had been thinking of how to do that with the most minimum damage. If Nancy would have me, I was ready to stay away from Jessica; I couldn’t manage the clash of titans!

And speaking of titans, I pre-froze as I reached Nancy’s door like she would open the door and I would turn to stone just by looking at her face like she was Medusa. But to be actually stoned, Nancy opened the door with a smile and said sweetly, “come inside please.”

Medusa, Beautifully Deadly...
She already cooked and my mind was like, “wow, this is the end; just eat and die.” The air was thick with seductive aroma, my hunger was activated automatically, and it was all over my face that I was ready to eat even the plate used in serving the food. So when I heard “food?” all I could do was nod affirmative, though my mind was fiercely shaking its head.

The crazy thing was Nancy was smiling all through like nothing happened the day before. Even at that, I still wasn’t comfortable, especially when she was about making me eat the food she prepared. I wasn’t ready to have epitaph reading “…and by poison from the hands of a wicked woman, he rests in peace”, so I said, “Nancy, I am very sorry about yesterday.”

“What’s that?” she paused as she tried placing a tray of food on the table.

“Yesterday naw,” I said, “the girl that barged in on us and started saying stuffs.”

“Oh” (Oh? Is something wrong with this girl?) She said, “that’s no longer in my memory, sorry.”

“What do you mean?” I asked like saying: “Is this a silly trap to get me to eat and die?” and watched as she sat on the bed quietly to explain.

“This morning, my devotional reading was based on ‘Forgiveness’, so I had to put it into practice.” And my mind was like: Wow! The gods are obviously not sleeping after all, but what if she’s lying so I can eat this poison and later die in my room? “Femi” and I woke from my many thoughts to see her eating from my food, “don’t worry, I didn’t poison the food.” And she giggled sweetly.

Poisoned? Happy Last Food, I Swear!!
We had a very nice day together — no, no effs. Talked about so many things, laughed hard at lots of jokes, kissed intermittently, stared momentarily and confessed love to each other… as sweet as one of those Indian movie music session, only we didn’t sing.

And definitely, Jessica was disturbing all through with her many calls that didn’t get picked — I actually put the device on silent mode at her first ring — only God knew why she was calling after showing off her new boyfriend.

“He is not my boyfriend.” I met Jessica at my doorstep as I got home that evening and my mind was like: Oh gosh! Why will this girl be here to destroy my beautiful and happy memory with Nancy? And before I could blink, she was all on me with a tight hug and crying, “I only wanted to make you jealous … he is not my boyfriend … I am sorry”

“So, who is he?” I asked sternly. Not like I cared though, just wanted to know who she hired to pull the stupid stunt.

“My ex-boyfriend,” she muttered.

“Are you serious?” I pulled her back and looked into her eyes, “we both know that was more than trying to make me jealous. Sorry, I can’t have myself doing you while you’re still doing another guy — bad threesome for me.” Well, blow me if you say I was selfish, I didn’t want her again anyways… or so it seemed.

“I’m wearing no covers, Femi” she licked her lips as I asked her to take her leave and that was when I looked at her lower region; she was having this very short skirt on and her thighs were freshly inviting, “and I’m dripping for you, sweetheart.”

“Oh ‘lawd’! Even the Pope can never overcome this temptation,” my eyes told my mind and it replied, “It has been a very romantic movie so far, it will only be fair to end it with some blockbusting action.”

One thing about Jessica, she was never reluctant to put the kittie on me and that automatically engaged the ‘Bokos’ in my brain to blow off the last reasonable cell left standing. I slipped my middle finger under to confirm the wetness and it felt like a rainforest.

This was a girl I didn’t want to have anything to do with again but my body couldn’t resist her. It all appeared like a mathematical problem and all I did was applied BODMAS: I removed the Bra(kets) and grabbed the contents Of its hold. My fingers Divided her legs while her mouth continued to Multiply the turgidity of my ‘middle man’. And the room was filled with animalistic grunts and sweet gasps mingled with wild calls for more as the Addition was going till we both felt huge Subtraction of fluids from our body!

“I love you—”

“No, don’t love me,” I interrupted as I caught my breath, “please don’t.” I enjoyed the ‘love’ we just made but I wasn’t ready to get myself confused about who I wanted. “Jessica, I love what we just did but please don’t add love to this; I may not be able to reciprocate.”

And that was some weeks ago. I kept keeping Nancy on the green and was working at reducing my mathematical problem solving frequency with Jessica till last week, when I was accosted by Gizzy again.

Mikell: I was about asking if Gizzy only featured in this chronicle just once. I believe my readers, just like myself, can’t wait to read what transpired between you two… till we do, WHO WANTS YOU DEAD?

…MikellzBluez Continues…
#MBz20 © 2013


Other Segments you don’t want to miss on #MikellzBluezPOEM, INSPIRE, Cwazie Moi, FLICKZ and PROMO. Check them out!

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