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Sunday 26 January 2014

#GodFirst — How To Fight The Good Fight Of Faith … by Keith Butler

Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses” (1 Tim. 6:12).

A part of fighting the good fight of faith is a patience fight. In the midst of the temptation, test, or trial it is necessary to be steadfast and unmoved. With patience you must maintain a good profession.

That means that you have found out what the Word of God says about the issue you are facing. You are saying what the Word of God said about it. And you keep on saying what the Word of God said about it.

Then, when it doesn't look as though your prayer will be answered, use the name of Jesus and say what the Word of God said about it.

If the kids are on drugs, say what the Word of God says about it. If your spouse is acting up, say what the Word of God says about it. If the enemy is telling you that you won't make it, say what the Word of God says about it. And when things aren't looking good, say what the Word of God says about it.

Regardless of what is happening, whether you feel like it or not, say what the Word of God says about it.

Stop right now. Look at your situation. What does the Word of God say about it? Now say it out loud and then give God praise for His Word. Continue speaking the Word come rain or shine.

Hence, you are fighting the good fight of faith. Fight the good fight of faith. The reason it is a good fight is because you win every time. Jesus has given you the victory.

Scripture References: Mark 11:23-24, 5:28

[Source: Keith Butler Ministries |]

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