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Tuesday 29 October 2013

#MBz18 Who Wants Me Dead? Part V

Exploding LIVE into Jessica brought me back to my senses because I couldn’t remember getting myself any form of protection — physical or spiritual — and I thought that was enough for her to realize the high risk and potential damages we had incurred on ourselves, but I was wrong!

Protection? Last Thing!
Jessica got up like a hen shaking her feathers into shape after being roughly handled by her male counterpart. Midway through my thoughts, she dropped her mouth on my ‘gentle Jack’ and I instantly became thoughtless. And in no time, my gentle Jack was with muscles!

If you ask an arrow, it will tell you that: once it is out, it only goes one-way! A grown ‘anaconda’ only has one mission; to cool off in a wet cave… so, when Jessica turned her back to me, you can be so sure I could do nothing but lock my bolt into her nut! So much energy, she didn’t allowing me do all the hammering but was vigorously backing her fine surface up on my 15-inch nail. I stopped moving and slapped her bumbum with both hands, she gave out the sweetest screamed and it was like I flipped the Nitro switch; she started bumping hard like a rodeo bull.

We switched couple of positions and she held my bumbum tight to keep me deep into her sweetness as I — once again — unloaded the D-elivery! As sinful as it sounded, I couldn’t help but exclaimed, “Sweet Jesus!” as a matter of fact, the last few hours had been so sinful, and I didn’t mind adding that as the cherry to my ice-cream!

And yes, that was the epic introduction to more out-of-this-world sexpisode with Jessica. I don’t think there was a possible location or position we didn’t try out; even stole some "quickings" under covers some mornings I woke up in her room (yes, with her roommate present). However, as crazy and fun as it was, I didn’t forget Nancy. No, I didn’t.

I sent her over a hundred thousand apologetic text messages, WhatsApp chats and BBM pings put together. I went to meet her in her class but was always ignored, and even waited on her normal walk routes to silently walk her home but Nancy wouldn’t budge. I had Jessica giving me heavenly moments and even taking care of some of my other needs, however, my mind just wanted to see Nancy beam her lovely smile at me again.

And it was like that till the end of last semester, throughout our break, till two weeks ago… I received my break in a sms asking to meet Nancy at a nearby location. I asked Jerry, my friend, to go with me. And as we moved towards the place, we saw Nancy talking and laughing with some tall and huge guys.

“What is she doing with these guys?” I asked.

Jerry replied, “These guys look like some very dangerous people; hope she is not dating a cultist already.”

I shook my head in disbelief, “she wouldn’t invite me here just to show her cultist boyfriend off … let me call her, so she will know we are here,” I said.

As I was pressing my device, Jerry said, “See, I’m out of here … I don’t need no one tracking my face or something.” And he was gone. If I showed you Jerry as my friend, you would be wrong about who I am. I watched him as he walked off while I kept the device to my left ear till I heard the ring-back tone.

I looked at Nancy’s direction and saw her picked her call. Told her my location and she begged me to come closer because her brothers wanted to meet him, her boyfriend. Like seriously? These huge and deadly looking fellas are Nancy’s brothers? And I am to meet them? And wait; did she just say ‘her boyfriend’? Many more questions went through my mind….

I can’t remember how it happened but I went and met her brothers. Only thing I remember they said to me was “take care of Nancy — she must not cry” and the beaming smile on Nancy’s face throughout the rendezvous.

Nancy engulfed me as soon as her brothers went away. The feeling of her ‘jugs’ on my chest made my heart start a wild jungle beat. As unbelievably as everything was, I still silently prayed that the day would be my lucky day. Nancy released me from her hold, beamed me the smile I longed for and said the most beautiful words in history: “let us go to your room.”

Shirt gone, belt loose, mouths chewing, hands grabbing and rubbing… lost in the world of milk and honey, yes — in my room. Still in her jean pants, Nancy straddled me on the bed and was getting wilder at every other touch. I needed not rush, I was finally making love to this angel and heavens must register it as epic.

For a half-second, my mind went towards the door to confirm if I had it locked as I wouldn’t want any intermission to the beautiful 3D movie I was acting. My mind instantly received a picture showing my hands turning the keys, which meant I locked the door… or so it seemed, as like something from a nightmare, my door moved.

Locked Door? No Time!
What? I blinked my eyes to confirm I was not dreaming and it was like tuning into a new television channel as the door kept opening slowly and Jessica appeared behind it!

“What the fhurk?!” she ejaculated, “who the fhurk is this?!” and when she didn’t receive no reply, “Femi, are you crazy? What’s going on here? Who the fhurk is this binch?” and she moved in for proper sighting.

At the mention of binch, I had to respond, “she is not a binch, and I will appreciate if don’t call her anymore names please.”

“Oh! So, she’s not a binch?” Jessica replied, “and I am the binch, right?” no reply, so she continued, “so, this is what you wanna do; fhurk and dump me for some ‘wife material’ shit, eh?” still no reply, “I hope she knows we fhurked everyday ever since that day she walked in on us….”

Mikell: Yes, we all know. And as much as my readers would love to continue reading, I will have to apologize as we all have to take a lunch break right now. And you can surely drop it in the comment box if you know WHO WANTS FEMI DEAD!

…MikellzBluez Continues…
#MBz18 © 2013


  1. Sista Tosin, the TOTOrial Mistress!30 October 2013 at 15:26

    TF! The door again! Mehn, I love this story and the suspense is nice!

  2. Y must dis door always open. Mikellz always get carried away at d sight of sex scene smh. Nw u wil have a story to tell lol

  3. Lol. bad market
