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Sunday 27 October 2013

OUT-OF-THIS-WORLD! [POEM] LONGTIME... ★★★★★ "This is Brilliant"

It seems my world is comin to an end
Look around and no single friend
No difference between weekdays and weekends
Only on my breathe of Life, I depend...

Brought my loved ones so much of shame
So much evil and so much blame
Like I put my whole world to flame
But I'll tell you this all the same...

Don't worry about me; worry about you
I'll be responsible for everything I'm up to
You are happy with that, aren't you?
Don't even pretend that it ain't true...

It will be a longtime you ever see me again
Where I go to don't even have a name
But I have to move away from all these pain
Start a new Life with the hope of rising again...

She said it will true be a longtime
For another chance to look into her eyes
And tell her the most terrible of lies
Because it is time for her to be wise...

All the painful nights she had been through
Sick of all the wrong things I say and do
Virtually nothing to stop her move
For I know that all she said are true...

As she walks her way through the door,
She says, "It's just a small world afterall;
"there may be a place to meet in the future"
And my heart tears apart in a surge...

It will be a longtime we ever see again
And our lives will never be the same
Missing her will be hard to feign
I pray for strength to survive the pain...

How can I say this without much complexity?
Brother, I am liable to be a liability
I have to maximise my strength and ability
So, I am moving out of this vicinity...

I am moving away to pursue my plight
Greener pastures and brighter sunlight
Striving hard for greater heights
Going ultimately for my spotlight...

Don't worry about what I will do
Don't worry about what I have to go through
Brave and strong; I am good
I am out to rule the world, and I will do...

It will be a longtime you ever see me again
But I will send enough money to buy a plane
I will make you know I am safe and sane
Be it from America, Japan or Spain...

Don't worry about me; I'll be fine
And I know it's just a matter of time
We will learn to move on with our lives
Though it can never be like those times...

Mikell • 2010 My Book of Random Thoughts

Writer's Note: This is one of my HIT poems and I am sharing this masterpiece for FREE because I want my readers to have the best of Me … and bring more readers to also feel the HIT. I love You all ♥♥.

1 comment:

  1. And I almost cried Mikell, u are good!
