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Sunday 12 January 2014

[Dear MBzers] As A “Born-Again”, How Do I Stop My Masturbation? — Ted

Dear MBzers,
I am a twenty-two-year old and a 400-level student in one of the federal universities, who recently gave his life to Christ. You know what the Bible say about being in Christ and everything becoming “new”; well, everything has miraculously changed positively about my life… well, almost everything.

I started to experience pleasure in touching myself when I started calling my female friends at midnights; some years ago—you know what I’m talking about. And later, I fell in love with “mojo” on my mobile device, so much that I’ve had over 300 different adult clips on my device before. I don’t smoke and I don’t really have an inclination of alcohol, but the urge to grab my “hood” and shake the fluid out usually gets to me like a junkie who is missing his hourly shots. Sometimes, I do this thing like ten to fifteen times every day… but now as a “born-again” Christian, I want it to stop!

I have been fighting this for long; I deleted all the 200+ adult clips on my mobile device and computer, and even stopped talking to anyone at night… but just a walk into my bathroom and the sight of my soap or whenever I catch my lotion bottle in eyesight, the urge instantly burgeons like volcanic eruption. I do it, even with no videos to watch… the amount of visuals stored in my brain is enough for the imagination.

I am tired of falling back into this “sin”; it seems my brain has been rewired and all it tells my body is to have the hands do their job before I can be my normal self… I don’t know if anyone is (or was) like me out there, please I need to know how you are fighting (or you fought) this incessant urge. I really need help, and I hope MBzers will read and provide me with answers.



Are you troubled? Do you have any question—not necessarily sexual—that you need answers to? Kindly send them to and your identity will definitely be anonymous (“Ted” for males and “Barbie” for females), so don’t be scared to reach out as you don’t know who may have the answer that you seek.

Dear Reader, this post is written so you can help someone out with your answers in that comment box … please, kindly drop comments that will contribute positively. Thanks.


  1. I understand what you are going through...It's hard to deal with it but with God all things are possible...As a babe in christ,you need to fix your thoughts only on the things of as Phil 4:8 commands us christians to do.
    Do not forget you have to fight the flesh as Jesus fought it when the devil came to tempt him.Pray and fast and also read the Bible everyday just as Joshua 1:8 says...You can also tell your Pastor too so he/she can advise you better.God bless you Ted.

  2. its a good things you've identified with the problem and im no expert on this but as with most cases with addicts be it sexual or drug... you dont go off it completely at once cos all you've done is suppressed the urge and next time you mistakenly try it you're hooked, start off by reducing the number of times u beat a day
    2. engage in sports activities, this keeps u occupied and really fagged out and before u know it you are losing count
    3. dont be shy to talk to ur pastor or preferrably a counsellor about this.. this way you know u getting professional help
    4. dont judge urself harshly...i still beat my dick up (TMI) everytime she doesnt give it up..... but yeah 15times a day isnt healthy.....

  3. Errm.....keep ur self occupied with non-sexual stuffs............try not to be alone alot's easier to be tempted when alone or idle...

  4. God made your body - like all of God's creation, it is good and to be enjoyed. So, yes, go ahead and enjoy yourself. You don't need help. God bless you.
