Tuesday 12 November 2013

[BRAND NEW] #MBz22 My First MEN-ONLY NIGHT With Jude - Part I

Based On A True Story — part one or two? Oh no, this is not 2 Chains album — and no, don’t prepare your mind like you want to read some academy award winning story; I will be writing this like I am here having a nice conversation with you while we are chilling with bottles of russian water. So, I will advise you to get your drink because you will need plenty of it to swallow what you are about reading.

*pours drink*

Still crystal clear in my memory is the picture of the first time a friend told me about the word ‘master bate son’, especially the look on my face when he described the physical and psychological process to reach the eventual satisfaction. In my mind, I was like “which group of sick twisted minds came up with stuffs like that?” and he must have seen that my facial feedback was so horrible that he instantly said it was some guy that told him about the whole thing.

Well, that was then, and scarcely can anything bed-ful come as a surprise at the moment. I admit there were dark days like I can still remember the first time I read about ‘phone popo’. It was from Cossy’s (yes, the massively ‘boobied’ celeb) interview in a magazine, when describing her 'koko' life with her foreign boyfriend. I wondered how it would’ve been possible — dipping the receiver into her body or what? It is actually funny when I look back at my thoughts back then and measure them with the level of my koko activities right now — nothing is any longer new.


And as much as men-only used to be one of those foreign words in this part of the world, the shocking nearness is no longer news. Every good looking guy is rated 70% gay, and your new male friend has a high tendency to be one

As a matter of fact, I see almost every guy, who is getting closer to me, with the potential of being a behind banger. If you have a nice behind like I do, there is a high possibility that you will see guys with such weird expectation like I do, most especially when even my girls call me ‘beautiful’ instead of handsome.

I know some of my female Twitter followers will be thinking: “hmm… no wonder he never takes any of his flirts into the DM to get real” and I am laughing like: be patient, your reply is coming soon.

*sips v*

For real, I sipping right here; you should too — vodka is the 3D glasses to help you see the picture, that I am painting, clearly with all the live special effects coming with it.

Well, you saw the title and you know what this story is all about, however I want to tell you that nothing is actually new, and I am not having this convo with the experience of a newbie to the world of men-only. Maybe you need to go through the accumulated qualifications, experience, skills and other certifications in my koko ‘Curriculum Vitae’ to see that nothing koko can be new to me.

And just like that, it wasn’t really new when Jude followed me on Twitter — yes, we met on Twitter — and was always appearing in my mentions… till we found each other on the blackberry messenger, and later in my house, and everything. No, it wasn’t new.

Probably Started From A Follow On Twitter, Who Knows?
What everything? You need details? I’m seriously laughing… alright, I am here with the details, but let me quickly get some more ice for my drink….

…MikellzBluez Continues…
#MBz22 © 2013


ATTENTION: BRAND NEW Segment on #MikellzBluez you MUST READBARBIE TEE’s DIARY. Enjoy….

Reach #MBz via mikellzbluez@gmail.com … Follow on Twitter · Add on Facebook. Thanks.