Friday 15 November 2013

#MBz23 My First MEN-ONLY NIGHT With Jude - Part II

I hope you remember that what you are reading is ‘Based On A True Story’. However, that doesn’t mean that the possibility of spicing it up with fiction is zero. For the record, I will like you to know that I reserve the right to use any amount of fiction to mix this very true story.

Are you serious? I shouldn’t call it a true story? Do you know the percentage of fiction in all those academy award winning movies you see? As much as this is based on a true story, I also wish you know that fiction is one of its ingredients.

*sips v*

Yes, you should also remember that I met Jude on Twitter; and well, he is not the only g-man on there. Little do you know that most of these guys following your behind are really after your behind! You only need to drop some piece of shit to see the number of shit-flies in your environment.

As a matter of fact, he was not the first male g-man I met on a social network. Lots of funny experiences, like this black American I found myself chatting with via Facebook a longtime ago.

Yes, I rocked Facebook the best I could, back in the days. Posted lots of photos and I was showing off my beautiful face and nice chest… and the next I saw was this William guy in my ‘inbox’. This guy was all about how cute and shit I was, and I politely appreciated his compliments. How do you feel when a guy is passing comments at you like you are a woman?

I checked his photos and William was really good looking, so much any girl should be glad to have him in her honeypot, but this nigga prefer to dip his stick in some rocky hole… only God can explain the inspiration or motivation behind that preference. Have you ever asked a gay why he or she prefers to be gay?

William came out straight that he was a g-man and he wanted my behind, a request I politely declined. Even if I was g, I am not saying I am not though, how would it have been possible for him to have the bumbum? I wasn’t ready for any long distance set up — and no, I wouldn’t have done it for his money — to be a g-man takes more.

*drinks and refills the cup*

Our conversations became very intriguing as William kept expressing his belief that I was latently g and I needed him to activate me, even after I made it clear that I wasn’t g. That is the same persistence a guy who is after a girl exhibits, right?

He talked about how sweet it would have felt to have my chocolate bar in his mouth, licking and sucking like it was Hershey’s or Godiva, and I would be like: “really? It is so fascinating the way you describe all these… but I am not that guy you want.” And William would be reassuring me that all his world was offering me was boundless pleasure and all… seriously, I felt like I had a vagina.

And it was all romantic till William became furious as he told me that he was sure that I was a g-man, and I was only pretending about it. Thank God that I wasn’t in America, this guy would’ve located me just to rip out my inner content — yes, they are that aggressive… reason I told you that being a g-man is beyond money hustle; definitely not some hungry girl and thirsty boy shii.

*sips v*

And like I experienced with William, the signs weren’t oblivious as Jude was all over in my Twitter mentions. Criticizing my funny tweets, jumping into my many p with girls, putting my handle whenever he saw the chance to drop it as the ‘p-setter on his TL’, ‘thirsty guy on his TL’, ‘guy you’re sure will have a big mamba’… Jude eventually made his presence known.

Earlier this year, I was with the habit of changing my Twitter avatar like every other day, partly because I enjoyed taking pictures and also due to boredom. Little did I know that my incessant changing of avatar was messing with the head of some guy living faraway east of the country. One day, he mentioned me: “you can change Avi for Africa!” I laughed it off and he was in my Direct Messages the next second with: “You look cute tho… if I was a girl, you would’ve been straffing me by now.”

What do you think I did? I laughed out loud in the DM while my face was like: “What the heck man? Another g-man is on my behind? This shii ain’t funny!” and the next message I received from Jude was: “How many girls have you straffed on Twitter?”

…MikellzBluez Continues…
#MBz23 © 2013


ATTENTION: BRAND NEW Segment on #MikellzBluez you MUST READ BARBIE TEE’s DIARY. Enjoy….

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  1. Hehehe part 3 pls

  2. Part 3 pls ...pshew gay oshi

  3. Gay alert errwhere, ima kill em with ma bare hands.. Mtcheeeew

  4. The article is nie tho!! Other bloggers should learn!
