Thursday 23 January 2014

Health 101 | BLEACH: Things You Must Know Before You “Light” Your Skin! [Body And Beauty]

Bleach refers to a number of chemicals that whitens, disinfect or remove colour, often through oxidation. So unfortunately, this is a trend that most women and some men are following in the plight to appear light in complexion. However, #MikellzBluez wants you to know some things before you use your money to buy that bleaching cream or soap….

Firstly, the major chemicals used in bleaching products are not skin-friendly and they include:
Hydroquinone (C6H6O2): This is a severely toxic and powerful chemical used in photo processing. It is also the active agent in hair dyes. It lightens the colour of the skin areas, which it is been applied, by killing of the melanin-making cells called Melanolyte. It is also an active chemical in ‘face-off’ creams for freckles, age spots and so on.

This chemical was discovered in the thirties by some African-American employees working in rubber plantation. They found that spots of discolouration appeared on their skin. They discovered that the chemical substance responsible for it was Monobenzyl, ether of Hydroquinone.

Mercury: This slowly accumulates within the skin cells, stripping the skin its natural pigment and leaving behind stories or signs of gray/blue pigmentation in the folds. Mercury in the form of mercury chloride and ammoniated mercury is carcinogenic.

Other chemicals are Ammonia, Sodium Thiosuyate, and Calcium Hypochlorite.

Secondly, the side effects, which comes in short and long terms.
Short Term Effect:
Both Hydroquinone and Mercury in products will initially cause the skin to lighten by inhibiting the production of melanin. Without melanin formation in the basal layer, no brown pigmentation will be visible.

Long Term Effects:
1. Hydroquinone or Mercury applied to the skin will react with ultra violet rays and re-oxidize, leading to more pigmentation and premature ageing.

2. By altering the skin’s natural structure and inhibiting the production of melanin, the skin is more susceptible to skin cancer.

3. Prolonged use of Hydroquinone will thicken collagen fibres, damaging the connective tissues. The result of this is rough blotchy skin with a spotty cavier appearance.

4. Long use of mercury will damage vital organs and lead to liver and kidney failure, and mercury poisoning.

PHYSICIAN’S ADVICE: People should eat healthily, do exercises, use cream rich in Vitamin E and what have you, rather than using bleach/bleaching cream.


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